Corporate Covers

Industrial All Risks
Business Interruption
Fire & Allied Perils
Machinery Breakdown
Consequential Loss
Contractors All Risks
Erection All Risks
Professional Indemnity
Deterioration of Stock
Product Contamination
Plate Glass
Terrorism & Sabotage
Aircraft Insurance
Marine Hull
Motor Insurance
Marine Cargo
Goods in Transit
Fidelity Guarantee
Money Insurance
Directors' & Officers' Liability
Public Liability
Products Liability
Domestic Package
Group Personal Accident
Work Injury Benefit
Employers' Liability
Group Life
Medical Insurance
Travel Insurance

November 9, 2018

Corporate Covers

1Industrial All RisksThis is the broadest form of Asset insurance available which goes beyond the standard Fire & Perils policy structure to include theft and accidental […]
October 24, 2018

International Health Plan

Aetna International Executive Healthcare Plans Through our partnership with Aetna International, we have access to the very best cover options available for individuals, families & groups/corporates. […]
October 22, 2018

MIC corporate policies comparison table

All RiskIndemnity against loss or damage to the specified property from any cause whatsover not otherwise specifically excluded under the policyBurglary (Theft)InsuranceTo indemnify the Insured against […]